by Painted Pink | Oct 8, 2020 | Black Women, Breast Cancer, Women of Color
Breast cancer leads every other cancer in affecting women and causing cancer-related deaths. The risk of a woman being diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States is 1 in 8. Race and ethnicity are significant factors when it comes to the diagnosis of breast...Sign up to receive updates.
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What motivates me to serve is the joy we receive from our survivors during our events.
What I bring to the Pink Table is creativity, brand strategy and action-oriented insights that drive results.
Alma Mater: Florida A&M University & Purdue University
Hometown: St. Paul, MN by way of Kalamazoo, MI
Occupation: Manager, Strategic Insights at The Weather Channel
Other Involvement: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and The Flourish Foundation
What motivates me to serve is our health impacts every aspect of our life. You can not live your true purpose without your health and wellbeing.
What I bring to the Pink Table is my prior experiences with serving on one of the largest nonprofits in the world and my event management and planning experience.
Alma Mater University of Central Florida
Hometown: Miami, FL
Occupation: Higher Education Administrator
Other Involvement: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
What motivates me to serve is the fact that black women are diagnosed less but die more.
What I bring to the Pink Table is my passion for the mission, my continuous pursuit of education around breast health, and ability to provide the narrative to the movement.
Alma Mater: Florida A&M University
Hometown: Where my family is
Occupation: Manager of Talent & Ops at Teach for America
Other Involvement: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
What motivates me to serve is…witnessing my sister and Painted Pink founder, Ann-Marie’s, journey with benign lumps and my aunt’s breast cancer journey. This fuels my purpose for the millennial cause.
What I bring to the Pink Table is… a passion for positively influencing women through digital content that I pursue by day as a marketing strategist and through the creation of Painted Pink’s content and sponsorships.
Alma Mater: New York University
Hometown: Tallahassee, FL
Occupation: Marketing Strategist at a women’s entertainment brand
Other Involvement: Style Blogger & Owner of an accessories shop
What motivates me to serve is that black women have a higher mortality rate with breast cancer and much lower preventive measure for early detection. If my personal experience with breast cancer lit the fire in me to create a NGO that advocates for women’s health, then the statistics and breast cancer data for Georgians fanned the flames. The more I researched, the more women I met that shared their diagnosis stories. Women in their twenties and thirties with no family history of breast cancer, and who did not meet the standard criteria for breast cancer risk, were more commonplace than I anticipated.
What I bring to the Pink Table is…a safe space for support and knowledge sharing, and reinforcing the importance of breast health education for young women. Painted Pink gives voice to an underserved group of young breast cancer survivors that need resources from health care professionals and education on consciously making better lifestyle choices for their health in beauty, food, and exercise choices.
Alma Mater: University of Central Florida
Hometown: Tallahassee, FL
Occupation: Recruiting Manager
Other Involvement: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
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